Thursday, September 20, 2012

Things change, but i still love you

I have always thought of myself as an irritating, annoying, extremely irrational girlfriend. There are moments where I would just want to do or say things just to make David dear angry. I don't know why but I guess I made him angry because I hope for some attention. Quarreling is definitely one of the things that would get his attention but would surely hurt each other. I have never believe that a couple should or could go through all their life without an argument. As we all know that "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus", there are definitely times where couples disagree with each other and would want to ripped each others head off. So a couple of fights is actually good. We learn from arguments and eventually grow to love each other more after that.

My problem has always been not keeping my promises. I could promise David dear that I'll go somewhere with him some weekend, but somehow don't do it. Or maybe something he loves the most, massages. I have never kept my promise of giving him a good massage, and it might sometimes turn into him giving me massages. The thing with me is, I always get too excited with things. At this moment, I would think of so many so many things to do for David dear, I would be so excited that I'm going to do something for him, so I'll tell him that I'm going to do him something. But when the time comes, my excited feelings are gone and I forgotten of how happy am I to plan of something to do for him, so I don't do the things that I told him I would do. I know he feels like shooting me in the head, but he won't.

I'm sick at home today and I managed to talk to David dear this morning. He told me that he told his colleagues about us. And I'm actually happy of how he describe me to others. He actually told them that I am an understanding girlfriend. Very considerate with his working condition and would always try to be patient with him. I have never thought of myself as understanding or considerate. As I know I do tell David dear that he doesn't have time for me and I miss him very much. I think this should be considered as inconsiderate to David dear's situation. I just feel bad when he praises me, cause I don't think I am what he says. But I'll really do better, and be more understanding of his situation.

Since I have said I always can't keep my promises, I'm gonna make a promise here. I actually told David dear last night, that I would give him a great full body massage this weekend when I see him. To compensate on his hard work for the week. So tomorrow, I'm going to go shopping for Massage oils and prepare for his full body massage. =) Actually the massage oil part was a surprise, but anyway, I am not good with keeping secrets. Hehe. I hope he loves this. And I hope he loves me more.

See you soon Hubby!

0 Hugs:

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